Omega-3 Vegan Capsules


Quantity discount: from 3 products, only 26,00 € per product* (26,92 €/100 g)
You save a total of 9 €.
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norsan omega 3 vegan natural
100 % vegan and without fish!
  • With vegan seaweed oil
  • Now 80 instead of 60 capsules
  • 1.700 mg of omega-3 (EPA & DHA) per daily dose
  • Environmentally friendly and non-polluting cultivated
  • Rosemary extract as an antioxidant
  • No reflux
  • Perfect when travelling
  • New capsule shell made from tapioca starch (without carrageenan)

1.700 mg of omega-3 per daily dose

Our Omega-3 Vegan Capsules (80 cps) contain a vegetable algae oil. The oil extracted from the marine micro-algae Schizochytrium sp., which is cultivated in artificial seawater. This micro-algea has a high content of DHA and EPA.
With just a daily dose of 4 capsules you take in 1,700 mg of marine omega-3 fatty acids. Thus, the vegan omega-3 capsules are an ideal marine omega-3 supplier for everyone who wants to eat food free of animal origin.

NORSAN algae oil

Microalgae, with its unique photosynthesis, is the basis of our existence. It has vital nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, which comes indirectly through fish and seafood in our diet. Algae or seaweed oil is such a good alternative to fish consumption. It allows us to go directly to the source.
omega-3 vegan algae ocean
NORSAN Omega-3 Vegan is a 100% vegetable algea oil. The oil is extracted from the marine micro-algae Schizochytrium sp. It is a microscopic algae that feeds solely on organic and vegetable substances, such as dead leaves. The micro-algae Schizochytrium sp. is particularly rich in the marine omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. Thus, it is perfectly suited for the production of a vegan omega-3 oil. Due to its high omega-3 content, our vegetable algea oil by nature contains a high dose of omega-3. No further chemical treatment is therefore necessary to obtain a higher concentration.
The manufacturing process is sustainable and environmentally friendly. The marine micro-algae we use to produce Omega-3 Vegan do not come from the sea. They are grown in large ponds containing artificial seawater. This saves resources and preserves the food base of the fish. In this way, we do not interfere with the natural ecosystem of the sea, and fish and krill stocks are spared.
Would you like to know more about our vegetable algae oil? Here are more information about its cultivation, ingredients and production.

Why linseed oil alone is not enough

EPA and DHA are present in marine sources such as fish, algae and krill. Most omega-3 vegetable oils, such as linseed oil and chia oils, do only contain the vegetable omega-3 fatty acid ALA (alpha linolenic acid) and no EPA and DHA.
Among vegetable oils, linseed oil, for example, contains particularly high levels of ALA. Nuts and chia seeds also contain ALA. Is important to know that ALA only to a limited extent can be converted to the important marine omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. The conversion factor is only 0.5-10% and is highly dependent on weight, metabolism and other factors. Scienftific studies are broadly aligned in the conclusion that intake of ALA alone cannot regulate an deficit in EPA and DHA.
omega-3 vegan algae ocean



Algae oil rich in DHA and EPA from the microalgae Schizochytrium sp. (72.6%) (seaweed oil); modified tapioca starch, humectant: glycerine, sunflower oil (1.9%), aroma (rosemary extract), antioxidants (extracts with a high tocopherol content, ascorbyl palmitate).

oilive trees olive oil norsan omega-3


Unopened products should be stored away from direct sunlight and in a cool, dry place. Crystals may form at temperatures below 4°C. These crystals dissolve after a few minutes at room temperature. It is recommended to shake the bottle briefly before use. Keep out of reach of small children. After opening, the vial should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within 30 days. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


The recommended daily dose is 4 capsules. These capsules should be taken with enough liquid during or after a meal. In this way the body will be able to assimilate the fatty acids in an optimal way.

One box contains 80 capsules. With normal consumption, one box is sufficient for a period of 20 days.

Do not exceed the recommended daily intake unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, therapist or pharmacist.

No unpleasant reflux after ingestion

The quality of the raw materials is essential to obtain quality products. The exceptional quality and freshness of our seaweed oil is the reason why Omega-3 Vegan Capsules do not cause any unpleasant reflux after ingestion. You can check the quality of the product yourself by simply opening a capsule to smell and taste the oil. A fresh, high-quality algea oil has a neutral smell and taste, so it can even be consumed pure.

What our customers say

“I like to mix NORSAN with my morning cereal. Topped off with lots of goodies and fresh fruit, it is not only a tasty, but also a healthy start to the day.”
Hannah Willemsen


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