Marco Volkmar

NORSAN Stories

Hannah Willemsen

Hannah Willemsen is a nutrition coach, author of the book series "Hormon Food", podcaster of the podcast "Eat you healthy" and the mom of 2 small children.
During her first pregnancy, Hannah began to grapple with nutrition. She wanted to provide not only herself, but also her baby with all the important nutrients.

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Raw materials

Algae Oil

NORSAN Algae Oil is extracted from the algae Schizochytrium sp. This is a microalgae that forms the important marine fatty acids EPA and DHA. Our team combines more than 30 years of industry experience and, most importantly, knowledge of the proper fatty acid balance in the body.

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omega-3 vegan algae ocean
Raw materials

Cod Oil

NORSAN Cod Oil is obtained from wild-caught fish from the coast of Norway north of the Arctic Circle. Cod fishing has a long tradition in this region, as the cod from the Arctic Ocean have their spawning grounds here. NORSAN cod oil is the final product after a gentle extraction, filtration and purification. From the fishing, which takes place directly off the coast, it takes only about 2 hours until the fish is processed.

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NORSAN Stories

Johannes Thingnes Bø

Johannes Thingnes Bø is currently perhaps the world's best biathlete. He won the overall World Cup the last two years and at the age of 27 has already secured 8 gold medals at World Championships and 1 gold medal at the Olympics.

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