What options do I have to order?

You have several options to order from us:

  • By online store: simply put the products of your choice in the shopping cart, enter your data, desired payment method, confirm the order and a few days later you will receive your omega-3 oils or capsules.
  • By phone: You can place an order with us by phone at any time. Regardless of whether you are shopping for the 1st time or not. If you cannot reach us by phone, please leave a message or your order on our answering machine. We will call you back as soon as possible or take the order immediately. Our telephone number: 030 555 788 990
  • By mail: Feel free to send us your order by mail, it will be processed immediately. Of course we will confirm your order. Our e-mail address: post@norsan.de
  • By fax: You are welcome to order by fax using a NORSAN order form or a form of your choice. Important here, please include your contact information so that we can contact you if we have any questions. Our fax number: 030 555 788 999
  • By order card: You are also welcome to place your order by mail. Either with a NORSAN order card or a card/letter of your choice. Our address: San Omega GmbH, Gubener Str. 47, 10243 Berlin.